Microaggressions: Contributing short scripts on this topic

Microaggressions: Contributing short scripts on this topic

Required reading and discussion before script crafting

Private Course
Please sign in to contact responsible.
Responsible Dr. Katherine M. Schlatter
Last Update 07/12/2023
Completion Time 4 hours 30 minutes
Members 4
    • Our Teaser for Intro to Microaggressions
    • Father of the term 'Microaggressions'
      10 xp
    • READ article: We need to retire the term microaggressions...
      10 xp
    • Learn about how the phrase was coined
    • “Microaggression: More Than Just Race”
  • Microagressions origin
    • Prof. Chester M. Pierce MD
  • Learn about recent research
    • Microaggressions and Implicit Bias
  • How to be an effective ally
    • Racial Microaggressions in everyday life
    • Disarming Micoaggressions: Using microintervention Strategies
  • Script topic areas
    • Write a Script on any of these topic areas