Become a Collaborator at THENCE

Become a Collaborator at THENCE

THENCE Contributors, Practitioners, Peer reviewers and Partners bring their subject matter expertise, experience and practical knowledge to amplify professional development around  health, equity, and wellness in schools. Contribute to THENCE by creating learning modules rich with narrative and best practices. Do you have subject matter expertise and want amplification? Please start your journey here.  

Private Course
Please sign in to contact responsible.
Responsible Dr. Katherine M. Schlatter
Last Update 10/18/2023
Completion Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Members 23
  • Introduction
    • Welcome!
  • My subject matter expertise
    • How do I identify my subject matter expertise?
  • Contributing to THENCE Digital shorts library
    • Honing your presentation
  • Doing a voice ovER recording
    • Recording your voice
  • Collaborating on interactive tools
    • THENCE digital shorts are interactive
  • Invoicing and receiving payment
    • Getting paid and next steps
    • More about PARTNER companies
  • CONTRACT download the PDF and read our FAQs here
    • Non-Disclosure Agreement
    • Contributors Service Agreement
    • FAQs about Contributors Service Contract